Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

03 December 2012

Happenings Lately

First and foremost, I'd like to say thank you.  Thank you to each and every one of you for being so supportive over the past few months.  Not only with my pregnancy and the whole mass debacle, but also with my breastfeeding post.  You remind me everyday of exactly why I love blogging and I sincerely thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all of your kind words of support and encouragement.


My OB called me on Friday with some amazing post-surgery news:
 :::does happy dance:::
I feel like I can finally put this mass thing behind us.  She said they were just two highly complex nabothian cysts and we don't have to worry about them for a single second longer.  Considering that I've been worried about them since they found the stupid things in May, I will gladly not give them another thought!


Reid is 12 weeks old today, which means that I'm officially back to work.  BOOOOO.  
{That was a tough click of the mouse.} 
However, I feel very {very} lucky to have spent the last 12 weeks with my new {and extremely handsome and lovable} little man. This is the longest maternity leave I've ever had {I had 7 weeks with Carter and 8 weeks with Brynn} and it still wasn't long enough.  {They never are!} But alas, I'm back to work and, although I will miss my kiddos immensely, I'm excited to be back. 

I'm also very lucky to have a bit of a transition phase back into working again.  I'm able to work from home 3 days/week in December, while being in the office for 2 days/week.  We also have the week off between Christmas and New Year's Day, so I will literally be in the office a total of 6 days in December. 

And, if I'm being completely honest, 4 of those 6 days are Christmas parties.  Ahem.

I picked a good month to return to work.
{Today's handsome coworker.  He's a little bossy.}


We got our Christmas tree this weekend! I'm so excited =)  More to come on this, but let me just tell you.... it's perfect.
Told ya.


I'm going to knock on wood as I say this, but Reid is officially sleeping through the night.  

And not the "sleeping through the night" that doctors tell you about {aka 5-6 straight hours of consistent sleep}... I'm talking for real sleeping through the night.  The kind parents tell you about {aka sleeping until it's time to wake up for the day.}

For the past 2 weeks or so, Mr. Man has been going to bed around 8:30 or 9pm and sleeping all the way until 6 or 7am.  This morning, he slept until almost 8am!
 Thank you my sweet, sweet boy.


And, lastly, a few posts I have coming up...
  • Adventures in Christmas tree shopping 
  • This year's holiday card design
  • My 2012 Holiday Shopping Guide
  • And, finally, my thoughts on being team green {I want to get into this a little more.}

Happy Monday!

01 March 2012

11 Things.

I was tagged by a few people, but since Mandy tagged me first, I'll answer her questions! =)

There are five rules:

1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them.

Hi, there.
11 random things about moi:
1. When I was little, I had a little phone on a string and I use to pull it around and mimic the ringing sound by saying "ringer, linger, dinger, ringer." Ever since then, my parents and sisters have called me Dinger. Even today, I got a text from my sister that said "Thanks Ding!"

2. I think good photography is so important {priceless, even} and it's my goal to have family pictures taken at least once a year.

3. Speaking of photography, the only thing I really cared about for my wedding was the photographer {Laura Novak}. And I called her the day after my engagement and booked her. Even though it was 18 months in advance, I was lucky that my first choice date was open, but would have easily changed it for when she was available. That's how much I wanted her.

4. Something weighing heavily on my mind right now is moving. I can not wait to move. Our work commute is killing me {it only took 7 years of driving it} and I just can't stand it anymore. I want to be closer to work and even closer to my family. Bob and I have a "must do before we move" list for the house and hope to put it on the market this time next year. While I do pray that the market gets a little better, at this point I don't care. I just want to move.

5. I hate all things vampire and would never even think to pick up a Twilight book. :::gag::

6. I use to hate to speak publicly, but now that it's a big part of my job, I actually love it. I have no problem speaking in front of 500 people {sometimes more} once a week in the summer or teaching a class of 300 college freshmen. No problem. I also present at conferences and stuff too... I don't even get nervous anymore!

7. I was talking to a coworker today about BlogHer and it made me even more excited. Especially to see my roommates Chelsey, Torie and Jess. {EEEEKKK! Can't wait to squeeze your pretty faces!} Did you see my new button? Ha!
My water might break at BlogHer '12

8. I scheduled my big ultrasound when Maternal Fetal Medicine called me on Tuesday {!!!} and for a second I considered finding out what we were having. Just a second. But then I toughened up again and immediately put the thought out of my head. I don't want to know. I want to wait.

9. I'm slightly obsessed with cereal. It makes a great breakfast. It makes a great dinner. It makes a great snack. You name it. Cocoa Krispies? Froot Loops? Trix? Yes, please!

10. When I was little, I always wanted to be a 2nd grade teacher. I have a Masters Degree in Education and I'm certified to teach elementary ed in 2 states. It's still something I'd love to do... maybe when all the kids are in school!

11. I love Chinese and Japanese food. The workers at the Chinese place around the corner from my house and the Japanese place a block from my office? They know my order as soon as I call. I take this as a good thing. ;)

Questions from Mandy:
1. What's the most interesting thing you have ever done?
Hmmm, let's see. My 3 best friends from college and I decided to go on a cruise the day after we graduated. We literally hopped on a plane at 4am the next day. We went to Grand Cayman, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel and New Orleans. It was so amazing.

2. How much time every day do you spend on the internet? (be honest people!) :)
Well my work relies heavily on the internet... so? A lot.

3. What are some of your favorite blogs?
This is such a hard question because I have a lot that I visit frequently. Check out some of them here!

4. If you had to eat at the same restaurant every day for a month, where would you choose?
I'm taking this question totally seriously... I'd love to pick my favorite restaurant in the whole world, but I don't think I could eat there everyday. So I choose The Cheesecake Factory. Not my favorite place, but with a 19 page menu, you at least have a lot of variety! And if not? There's always CHEESECAKE!

5. Who do you really look up to and admire?
My parents. 100% and for so many different reasons.

6. If you could live anywhere in the world besides your current location, where would that be?
If I could talk my entire family into moving {because to me, home is where they are} then I would move to either Southern California or North Carolina. Some place that has nice weather and doesn't snow a ton {if at all.}

7. How do you feel about reality shows?
Some are really stupid, but some are great. I'm a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan and I also watch Real Housewives of Beverely Hills. So I don't watch many, but I do love the ones I watch. They're my total guilty pleasure.

8. How would you describe your style?
Non-existent. I feel like I really don't have any style. I see things I like and I buy them.

9. Where do you see yourself & your family in 10 years?
In a newer house, 3 kids, Bob and myself. Straight up chillin. Maybe teaching, maybe not. Bob will likely still be in his same job {which he loves} since we both work at the same university and our kids can go here for free. One of us is here for life... it's our 529 plan. ;)

10. Favorite dessert?
Chocolate cake or Snickers cheesecake. Oh, or strawberry shortcake. Three-way tie?

11. What is your most valued possession? (kids don't count)
My marriage. I really don't know how/why Bob puts up with my shit, but boy do I love him. I don't know where I'd be without him.

My questions for others:
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. How many kids do you want?
3. What one thing reminds you most of "home"? It is a smell, an item, a location? {People don't count!}
4. Who's your celebrity crush?
5. Why did you start blogging and are your reasons the same now?
6. If money was no factor and you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
7. If you inherited a million dollars, what's the very first thing you'd buy?
8. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
9. If you delivered boy/girl twins tomorrow, what would you name them?
10. What's your favorite baby gear item?
11. What's your favorite picture of all-time? {Yes, just ONE!}

I tag: Steph, Kelly, Kristal, Molly, Torie & Katie {and anyone else who wants to participate!!}

Yeah, so this post took me entirely too long to write. Apparently it's hard to think of random things about yourself. {Or ones that I haven't discussed already.}

27 January 2012

Y3W | A blank slate.

As of right now, I have no idea what I want to blog about today, so I'm just going to keep typing and see what comes out.

Well it's almost February. I'm glad that January is quickly coming to an end. While it was a good month for us, I just hate the cold, dreary feel of it. Even Carter notices it... in the car this morning he said "Look Mommy, it's grey outside!" Yep bud, it is. Welcome to winter. I am quite thankful that it's 65 degrees today, but it did snow earlier this week and weather like that only makes people sick. Blah. So yay for February next week.... that's one step closer to spring!

Speaking of spring, Brynn's birthday is coming up {I know it's in May, but still... I feel like I need to start planning now.} She'll be two {how the hell did that happen??} and I'm not quite sure what to do for her party. Her birthday {5/24} is on a Thursday and that Saturday is the start of Memorial Day weekend. Not sure if we should have her party then, or do it the week before. Also trying to pick a theme and location. She's very into Tangled, so maybe we can do something like that. It doesn't top last year's Brynn in ONEderland theme though. Who knows.

I'd love to have her party at the Philadelphia Zoo or Storybook Land, but that can get really expensive. Also, I'm not quite sure how those places work as far as who you pay for. Do you cover the child and 1 parent? Then I'd feel bad if they want to bring their entire family and have to pay money to come to Brynn's party. But on the other hand, I don't have enough money to cover their entire family's trip to the zoo or amusement park, ya know? So yeah... I'm stuck.

What have others done in this situation? Do you just cover the child and 1 parent?

In other news, I had time to clean out the kids rooms from top to bottom {store old clothes, hang new ones, clean out closets, old toys... you name it} over the holiday break...
...nice right? While our bedroom, on the other hand, looks like a total disaster. No, really. I don't even know how I can fall asleep in it. If I had access to explosives, I'd literally blow the room off the house and start over... I think it would be easier. But alas, I think that's illegal, so I'll just stick to trash bags, plastic bins, Pledge and a vacuum. I'm hoping to get to it this Sunday.

Bob and I were talking this morning and I actually feel like our room needs a little mini makeover as well. I've been helping my sister Kacy pick out new stuff for her house, and we came across this beauty...Yep, sign me up. Our room is already painted a pretty blue color and I think this would actually match perfectly! I also think it will brighten up our room a lot {we have a brown, blue, & white duvet on there now} which it desperately needs right now. So yay for mini makeovers!

Speaking of mini makeovers, Carter's room is in need of one too. It needs to be debabyfied {yep, that's a word... I just made it up.} Of course his big boy bed and new PBK comforter help a ton, I want to get him a few fun things to hang on the wall. We're sticking with a baseball theme and I've been pinning different canvas & wall hangings that I've randomly found online. Below are my favs...
Baseball Signs
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
So yeah, that's something I hope to get too soon as well. I'm also pinning things for our new family room makeover so stay tuned for an entire post about that! =)

Okay, this random post ended up being about yucky January, Brynn's birthday party {ahem, in MAY}, the kids clean rooms, my extremely dirty room, and mini make-overs.

Not bad.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Besides cleaning our disaster of a room on Sunday, we do actually have a nice little Saturday planned {<- anyone? anyone? Bueller?} We're headed out to our absolute favorite restaurant on Saturday night for a kid-free dinner with both sets of parents. I'm super excited!!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

17 January 2012

Random 101 and questions?

No, you're Google Reader is not lying to you... I actually did blog today.

I'm a slacker. It's true. I've just been so busy with everything that something had to give and unfortunately, that was my blog.

And then? Whenever I did have a free second to write? Blank. I could not think of a single thing to write about which is just so insane to me. So instead of forcing it, I did nothing. Hopefully I'm back now and here to stay.

So settle in for one of the most random posts ever.

1. I have grey hair. Like a lot of grey hair. I haven't had my hair done in quite sometime {no worries, an appointment is on the books for 2 weeks from now so I'll stop scaring people at that point} but I just realized how bad my hair really is.

I'm freaking 32.

I guess I just never noticed it because I'm better at keeping up with my highlights? {Which are blonde and clearly easier to hide the grey's.} I'm trying to look at the bright side here though... it's nice grey hair. Like the pretty and shiny grey hair that you see on some lucky old ladies {like myself, apparently.} So? It could be worse.

2. Tax season is upon us and come January 31st, Bob and I will file our tax return again. Every year, we put our refund back into the house. First it was towards our new kitchen. Then our new windows. Then our new bathroom. You get the picture. This year we were trying to decide what to do with our refund and I think we finally came to a decision. And? Bob is thrilled with it. {So am I, actually}

We're getting a new TV. And a new sectional couch and new paint and molding for our family room. And remodeling our fireplace {which seriously needs to be updated with a new mantle, new gas fire logs, etc.} Basically, we're redoing the area where we spend the majority of our time at home and I'm so excited about it!

So stay tuned for yet another renovation project on the blog. ;)

3. For some reason? Brynn has given up on sleeping. She's always been an awesome sleeper, but lately she's been waking up in the middle of the night crying. I don't know if she's having nightmares? Or maybe it's her teeth? She's drooling and chewing on stuff like crazy, so that may just be it. But? Mama's tired. Usually her crying wakes Carter up too and then at 3am we have 2 toddlers in our bed. Both awake and ready to party. Awesome.

I hope things get back to normal again soon!

4. Carter is huge. We know this. He started off huge {ahem, 9.5lbs born 2 full weeks early} and never looked back. Usually he goes up a clothing size right around his birthday in July, which works out perfectly. So this past July, I bought him all new size 4T clothing and that was that. I thought we'd be good for awhile.

Wrongo. My boy just shot up to a 5T. He's 3. I can't believe it.

So, yeah. Over Christmas break, I had to go get him all new winter clothes in a 5T. I just can't believe how big he is {though I don't know why I'm so surprised by this.} But I am, okay? Because my little baby is getting SO BIG.

5. Can we talk tantrums for a second? {Like, literally a second, because I have an entire post planned about how 3-year-olds are the devil.} I feel like such a Mom-loser when my kid throws a tantrum in a public place and I really have no idea how to react to it. {It doesn't happen often, but I'm thinking of one time in particular that involved yellow school buses.} I think most of the time we, as parents, just make shit up as we go along. I took him out to the car, but really? I have no clue what I'm doing.

Mom of the year, I tell ya.

6. Have you SEEN how hot Ryan Gosling is in Crazy Stupid Love? Wait... how did that get in there?

7. Brynn is finally getting hair on the top of her head! WOOT! I've never seen anyone grow hair like she has. It started on the sides, then the back, now it's finally making it's way forward to the top of her hair. I literally can not wait for the day that I can put a clip in the front. Can NOT wait. Poor thing. Hopefully by her second birthday ;)

8. Sometimes? I put Tangled on even when the kids are sleeping. I just really love that movie. Especially the songs. Because really? Mother knows best.

9. :::crosses all crossables::: We've had a pretty mild winter so far. Usually we have at least 1 or 2 bad {BAD} snow storms by now, but lately? Nothing. Today it's 55. I really {really, really} hope that this continues. I loathe snow. It needs to stay away for good, thankyouverymuch.

10. If you've made it this far? You're a saint. Bless your sweet little heart. So, do either of you have questions for me? ;)

No really, it's been a long time since I've done a questions post, so if there's anything that you're dying to know about me... ask away! Email me, comment on this post... whatever you want to do and I'll try and answer them later this week!

I missed you guys and I hope you're all doing well =) MUAH!

20 September 2011

Things I wish I had time to blog about...

1. My baby girl? She's losing all her baby fat. Like, it's gone. For real. She is so super skinny now. And light. I don't make light babies. What in the world is happening?

2. I leave for Disney a week from Saturday. ZOMG WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD AND I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED THINKING ABOUT PACKING {for me or the kids.} Oh, the kids. How I will miss their faces.

3. What the eff is Missoni?

4. I'm totally in love with the "new" {Is it new? Well, it's new to me.} Adele song. This one.

5. What am I suppose to watch on Monday nights now that Bachelor Pad is over?

6. Don't become a helicopter parent. Just don't do it. It's cool when your kids are in elementary school. Acceptable when they're in middle school. Transition should take place some time in high school. Because it's effing awful when they're in college. Cut the cord. Do it. Learning to think for themselves and becoming independent, mature, responsible adults is a MUST. Stop enabling them.

7. I'd love to post my OBX pictures, talk about my fall decor that has been out for weeks, and discuss Carter's potty training {or lack thereof.} I'd just love to post about that. Hopefully soon.

8. Guest posters for Disney? Should I do it?

9. ZOMG Jimmy Rollins wrote to me on Twitter. That just made the hell out of my day. #iloveyoujroll {oh, do hash tags not work here?}10. And, really... what the eff is Missoni?

How about a vote? =)
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23 August 2011

In which I talk about random things.

1. COME ON, IRENE. You can NOT be serious with this hurricane right now. I mean, really!?! Don't eff with our vacation!

As of late, it looks like OBX will just get hit with rain. And rain? We can handle. What we can't handle is this little cyclone whore holding us back from leaving on Saturday. We dealt with this last year... hold off a bit, mmkay?

2. I'm feeling overwhelmed. And that's probably due to the fact that I have a "to do" list that is a mile long. Both at work and at home. So that's 2 miles long, folks. And that? Is a long damn list. I can barely think straight {hence this blog post.}

3. I don't know how I'm feeling about blogging lately. I usually love it, but recently? It's starting to feel like a job. And that's not how I want it to feel. I want it to be a fun and crazy outlet for me and right now? It's not. I think this vacation is coming at the perfect time. I was thinking about getting some guest bloggers while I'm gone, but that would be just another thing for me to do before vacay, so I don't know. I'm debating.

If you want to guest blog here next week? Email me.

4. I think Toms? Are the most hideous looking things ever. :::ducks:::

5. That earthquake today was pretty scary. That's the first one I've ever experienced. And? You don't see high rises shake like that very often. Note to self: Don't move to CA.

And? I started this post at 8am. It's after 3. Awesome.

Vote if you're feeling all kinds of random too!
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09 February 2011

"That don't mean you know me."

{And if you think you do, check out #10.}

Random facts about Jenni: Take I.

1. I like to quote movies/shows. A lot. {See post title. And big props to the person that can name the movie.}

2. I'm slightly obsessed with cereal. And Tositios. If I have a fully stocked cabinet of each, than all is right in the world. {Hmm, why can't I lose weight? See #9}

3. I hated wine until I worked at Olive Garden my senior year of college. During training, they make you pair their food with a wine and you have to taste everything. Best day of "work" I've ever had.

4. My 2 sisters, mom and I have always wanted to go to Napa Valley, CA together. We hope to go for my mother's 60th birthday in 2 years er, I mean like 20 years from now because she's only 39 {ain't that right, Mom!?! By the way, you look great for having 33, 31, and 28 year old daughters!}

5. I miss playing soccer. I really miss it. I played from the age of 4, up until and including college, and even played indoor soccer on a co-ed team until I got pregnant with Carter. I can't wait to watch my kids play {hopefully they like it!}

6. Bad mom/wife alert: So, our mothers watch the bambinos while Bob and I are at work... MIL has them Monday's and my mom has them T-F {you guys know that, I've talked about it before}... here's the loser alert part: our mom's also cook dinner for us and have it ready when we pick up the kids. There, I said it. And wow, I am a big loser. {I seem like a complete failure as a mother and wife, don't I???} The thing is... I love that our mom's do this for us. They are amazing woman. Amazing mothers. And amazing cooks. We'd be idiots not to stay. Besides that, I love spending time with our families. We are so lucky.

7. I'm slightly obsessed with The Bachelor/ette. Anyone watching it right now? {And please, no spoilers... I'm staying away from all the blogs about it!} Personally, I think Michelle is crazy {but... and I hate to admit this... she's growing on me} and I think Emily is totally going to win. I love her! Thoughts???

8. I haven't read a single book since I had Carter {insert the "loser" sneeze here.} I miss it so much, but I just don't have time. Even my DVR is backed up with shows because I usually fall asleep while trying to get my kids to bed. And believe me, I've tried to pick it up again... I buy them, put them in my night stand, bring them on vacation and/or work trips and... nothing. It's just not working out for me. Hopefully soon though!

9. My mom, sister Kacy, and I are thinking about starting Weight Watchers again. I need to do something with myself.

And the one that always gets the most interest...
10. Bob and I created our own last name together after we got engaged. That's right... we made it up {it's a long story, but involves dropping the adopted last name of a man that he despised and his mother is no longer married too.} Bob legally changed his last name in September of 2005 and we were married in November, 2006. I love that about us. Love it. {And yes, our last name has family meaning... we didn't just go with something random!}

Questions? ;)

PS- Don't forget to enter the Thirty One Giveaway, it ends tonight at 11pm EST!!!
PSS- I have decided to do something really exciting... and it directly involves you. So stay tuned for Y3W this Friday!!!!!
PSSS- Today's my half birthday! {An extremely important day to my elementary school self and likely anyone who had a summer birthday. Today was my cupcake and crown day in school.} I just thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone felt like sending me presents.

#15!!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
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15 December 2010

Random 101

Because this is literally all I can come up with {and all I have time for!} right now...

1.) I was watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas last night {the Jim Carey one} and this thought popped into my head: Are any of The Who's Jewish? Do you think they have any Jehovah's Witnesses roaming around Whoville? Seems like all the houses had Christmas lights... so I was just wondering. How's that for random?

2.) I've finished my Christmas shopping {for the most part}... I just have two little gifts to buy and I hope to pick them up on Saturday when I go shopping with my sisters. My problem now is figuring what the heck I ordered online and when it will get to my house...

3.) That brings me to wrapping. I haven't started. I'm not the type of person who likes to wrap gifts as I buy them. I like to sit down {ahem, with a glass bottle of wine} and get everything done all at once. The way I figure it... wrapping presents requires a lot of crap and I don't want to pull it out more than once. And that brings me back to #2... when the heck will my online gifts arrive?

4.) I got my hair done yesterday. Wooo hooo! I finally look somewhat presentable. Bring on the Christmas parties!

5.) I've found that I curse a lot more now that I have kids. Aren't you suppose to curse less? I don't curse at them or even around them, of course. I just find that I curse more, in general. What the eff?

6.) My Christmas cards have finally been mailed. I took them to the post office yesterday, and then stood there at the side counter sticking the stamps to each of the 60some cards and then put each one in the dropbox. Here is the final design that I went with... {click for larger view}7.) I finally, FINALLY heard Brynn say "Mama". She's been saying it for almost 2 weeks now, but never to me. She'd say it to everyone BUT me, actually. But now she looks at me with her beautiful eyes and her sweet smile and says "mamamama". It melts my heart.

8.) I just found out that our office is closed on December 23rd!! That means that I have off from December 23rd until January 3rd. Woooooo hooooo! Bob has off as well, so we plan to do a few day trips during the week in between Chrismas and New Years {like the aquarium} which I'm so excited about!

9.) It literally took me all day to write this post. I opened it at 8:02am and I'll be lucky if I can post it to my blog before 3:00pm 4 ... 15pm.

10.) I'm currently #26 on Top Baby Blogs! Thank you SO MUCH for all of your votes everyday. I get so many wonderful readers from that site, which is why I think it's so important to me to try and get the blog back to the first page. I love that you guys comment and email me, and now follow me on Twitter. LOVE it. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey =)

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14 December 2010


I'm back on Twitter. Kinda.

I opened a Twitter account over a year ago just to see what all the fuss was about. And, after a few months of playing around with it, I didn't really get what all the fuss was about and gave up.

Well, now I'm back.

If you're on Twitter, follow me and I'll follow you back. Maybe it will be a little more fun with a few more people to share it with.

See you there!

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09 September 2010

Bachelor Pad

It's okay. This is a safe haven where you can confess your guilty pleasures. And Bachelor Pad happens to be one of mine. Yes, I'm admitting it. Please tell me I'm not the only one...

Wait... am I the only one?

Now, I was a little skeptical about this show at first, but I figured "what do I really have to lose by watching it... there's not a single thing on TV in the summer."

So watch it, I did.

And I love it.

It's so great to see all of the past Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants again {well, the ones that I actually recognize} and they get to interact with each other in a whole new way. There are people on the show that I still can not stand {Elizabeth} and people that I've changed my mind about {Wes & David}.

All in all, it's an awful show that I just cannot. stop. watching. =)

The season finale is this Monday and it appears as though there will be a little twist. Perhaps the contestants that were kicked off actually select the winner?? I'm wondering how they will decide, not only which couple will win, but which single player will win the $250,000. I've purposely been staying away from blogs and websites that give spoilers and/or announce the winner though... I read them before during Jake's season and it totally ruined the show for me.

As for the big winner, I think David has played the smartest and really has the best chance to win. But, seeing from the previews that the final challenge is ballroom dancing, I don't predict him doing all too well in that category! I guess we'll see... ya never know, right?

So, who else watches it? Love it? Hate it? Who do you think will win? For the shy, there's a poll on the side. ;)

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Have you voted today? =)
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07 September 2010

Back to work.

I had planned on writing a {somewhat interesting} blog post today, but my plans were ruined by 276 new emails in the week that I was on vacation. Stupid work. ;)

I got it down to 11 new emails in 2 hours though, so that's not too shabby. But I have a bunch of meetings too.

Is it too early for a beer?

I guess I'll write that blog post tomorrow...

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26 August 2010


I love fall.

It's {by far} my absolute favorite season and I am so {so} super excited that it's {almost} here.

But... I'm trying not to look past the fact that I'll be spending the next week beach front with drink in hand.

However, once Labor Day hits, it's on...

Bring on the fall decorations, the Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the Sam Adams October Fest, the pumpkin patches, the hayrides, Halloween {though I hate this "holiday," my kids look awfully cute in a costume} and Thanksgiving. And let's not forget about the fall weather.

Bring. It. On. All of it.

Oh, and it also means that we're closer to Christmas!

le sigh.

Crap... I'm looking past my impending vacation again, aren't I?

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01 April 2010

Am I the only one...

...who finds the Easter Bunny to be extremely creepy?

I refuse to take Carter to go get pictures with him. Every time I see him, I get the chills. And then I want to sneeze. Does that make me a bad mother?

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25 March 2010

I apologize in advance... you and your wallets.

Carter's, the wonderful clothing company for babies and toddlers, has finally taken it upon themselves to open an online store.

What took them so long?

Their clothing is amazing. Their onsies are comfy and don't shrink up into almost nothing. Their outfits for both boys and girls are absolutely adorable. I think I could get lost in the Carter's outlet store for hours on end. And now we can all shop from the comfort of our own work offices homes.

...and Happy Shopping. ;)

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17 December 2009

Men of Snow

I love love love this song. It's called "Men of Snow" by Ingrid Michaelson, who's song "Keep Breathing" became famous after being played during the season 3 finale of Grey's Anatomy when Burke left Christina at the alter.

Anyway, my sister Kacy and I have loved her ever since because her voice is just beautiful and her songs have a lot of meaning. I think Kacy has all of her CD's/iTunes so I get hooked in as well. This song I immediately liked {and it usually takes me a few times of hearing a song before I start to like it.}

So here is my newest song obsession... enjoy =) {and don't forget to pause my Christmas music below, first!}

24 November 2009

Would you be offended?

Okay, so my little sister Kacy is a complete and utter smart ass. There is no other way to describe her. She's always the center of attention because she is so loud and hilarious. Everyone loves her. Now, I'm not just saying that because I'm her sister {actually, I shouldn't be saying that because I'm her sister} but it's true.

While designing my Christmas card this year, we had a very funny conversation that went a little something like this:
Kacy: "Wouldn't it be funny if I sent around a picture of Jake {their dog}on our Christmas card?"
Jenn: "I think it would be cute! What would it say?"
Kacy: "Our dog is cuter than your kid."
Jenn: :::dies laughing:::

So I went ahead and started designing said card, using a picture of Jakey Monster from last Christmas. He is just too cute. =)

Well, when Kacy told our mom this weekend about her card, my mom got upset and immediately said "you can't send that out, people will get offended!!" I, for one, think it's effing hilarious and I have kid{s}. But I understand that not everyone has a sense of humor like ours, so I pose the question to you, my readers.... would you be offended if you got this card in the mail??
Hi. Larious.

Feel free to comment or answer the poll on the side. Thanks =)

24 September 2009

I'm old.

While teaching one of my {college level} classes the other day, a student mentioned that he lived in Amsterdam in 1997 when he was 5. All the students in the class "oooed" and "ahhhhed" and thought it was so cool. As for me, all I could say was...

"YOU WERE 5 IN 1997!?!?!"

I feel old.

PS- I promise to update the blog with pics and everything from the wedding this past weekend. I haven't had a single second to sit down and blog about it because work is sooooo crazy right now! Not only that, but it's Gracie's 1st birthday on Saturday!!!! I've been helping my sister with that a lot at night too, but the post is coming soon. Even if I have to stay up all night to do it! {Yeah, like that'll happen...}

29 July 2009

Annnnd ACTION!

Something very exciting is going on here at work. I mentioned it {briefly} before, but there is a movie being filmed next door to my office. There is a very elaborate set inside the Armory that looks something like the inside of a house {from what we could see.} But, what's even more exciting, is that the celebrity trailers are set up in the parking lot right outside our office door! So who's here, you may ask? Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, and Jack Nicholson are all starring in the movie which is titled "How do you know?" Yesterday a coworker saw Owen Wilson. Twice. Apparently their BFF's now, because HE remembered HER... she's too funny. Well today, she saw Jake Gyllenhaal! OMG!

The movie is being filmed here until October so I am determined to meet someone. Anyone. And not just the security guard that I talk to coming back from lunch today, lol. I may just need to tailgate out in the parking lot for the day. Hey, that's not such a bad idea....

22 July 2009

I'm a hot mess.

It's true. I'm sorry for my lack of party pictures. I have so much to tell you about and soooo many pictures. And you should see my house. Oh, my poor house. My living room is filled with birthday presents for Carter that need to be put away. Problem is, there's no where to put them as of now. I need to clean out "Carter's closet" in our family room that is filled with baby toys and move them up to the attic. Our family room went from 15x19 to 2x4 because of the renovation project that is being done. I swear it's our 2 couches sitting 4 feet off each wall right in front of our huge TV. My eyes hurt. We bought paint last night and picked out our new carpet, so hopefully that will be done within the next few weeks. {I'll post about that soon too, I swear.} And let's not forget about the fact that there is a major movie being filmed across the street from my office! I need to talk about that too.... sheesh!

However, all that is not the point of this post.

Like I mentioned before, I got a new job. Well, today is my last day in my current office. My poor cube went from being bright and cheery to dark and depressing in a matter of an hour. I cleaned everything out yesterday and my work BFF, Erin {who I sat next to for 9 hours a day for 5 years and am going to miss sooooo much} and I moved everything over to my new office across the street. {E, I'm taking you with me!} At the very least, I'm happy I'm not going far. My sweet coworkers are taking me out to lunch today to one of my favorite places in the whole city of Philadelphia- POD. Yum.

I'm going crazy trying to complete all pending projects and student issues. I actually had a dream last night about clearing out my computer... I ran out of time and wasn't able to save anything. Then I was up from 3am-5am. Good times.

It feels weird to leave this place. Cleaning out 5 years worth of stuff. I start my new job on Monday, and I hope I can remember to go to my new office. I hope I like it there...

02 July 2009

Time to move on, Frog.

That's a saying that I grew up hearing from my mom. Time to move on, Frog. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Moving on.


That's the news I've been wanting to share. I feel like I was interviewing every week, lol. That can truly drive a person mad... So nerve wracking! But it all paid off in the end.

So what will I be doing, you may ask? Advising. Again. Yep, that's right... I'll be moving across the street to another office at the same University =) Except, this time I will be working with undergrad students again. {I was an UG advisor for 3 years and moved to GR advising after I got my master's degree.} I miss the UG students so I'm really looking forward to getting back to that. I will also be teaching a few classes again! Yay =) So I am very excited about this move.

I resigned from my current position just about an hour ago. I was so nervous, but everyone was really cool about it and happy for me, which is so great. I've worked in the same office at the University for the past 5 years, so it will certainly be an adjustment to start something new. I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead for me.

Time to move on, Frog. Time to move on.

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