I was tagged by a few people, but since
Mandy tagged me first, I'll answer her questions! =)
There are five rules:1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them.
Hi, there.11 random things about moi:1. When I was little, I had a little phone on a string and I use to pull it around and mimic the ringing sound by saying "ringer, linger, dinger, ringer." Ever since then, my parents and sisters have called me Dinger. Even today, I got a text from my sister that said "Thanks Ding!"
2. I think good photography is so important {priceless, even} and it's my goal to have family pictures taken at least once a year.
3. Speaking of photography, the only thing I really cared about for
my wedding was the photographer {
Laura Novak}. And I called her the day after my engagement and booked her. Even though it was 18 months in advance, I was lucky that my first choice date was open, but would have easily changed it for when she was available. That's how much I wanted her.
4. Something weighing heavily on my mind right now is moving. I can not wait to move. Our work commute is killing me {it only took 7 years of driving it} and I just can't stand it anymore. I want to be closer to work and even closer to my family. Bob and I have a "must do before we move" list for the house and hope to put it on the market this time next year. While I do pray that the market gets a little better, at this point I don't care. I just want to move.
5. I hate all things vampire and would never even think to pick up a Twilight book. :::gag::
6. I use to hate to speak publicly, but now that it's a big part of my job, I actually love it. I have no problem speaking in front of 500 people {sometimes more} once a week in the summer or teaching a class of 300 college freshmen. No problem. I also present at conferences and stuff too... I don't even get nervous anymore!
7. I was talking to a coworker today about
BlogHer and it made me even more excited. Especially to see my roommates
Torie and
Jess. {EEEEKKK! Can't wait to squeeze your pretty faces!} Did you see my new button? Ha!
8. I scheduled my big ultrasound when Maternal Fetal Medicine called me on Tuesday {!!!} and for a second I considered finding out what we were having. Just a second. But then I toughened up again and immediately put the thought out of my head. I don't want to know. I want to wait.
9. I'm slightly obsessed with cereal. It makes a great breakfast. It makes a great dinner. It makes a great snack. You name it. Cocoa Krispies? Froot Loops? Trix? Yes, please!
10. When I was little, I always wanted to be a 2nd grade teacher. I have a Masters Degree in Education and I'm certified to teach elementary ed in 2 states. It's still something I'd love to do... maybe when all the kids are in school!
11. I love Chinese and Japanese food. The workers at the Chinese place around the corner from my house and the Japanese place a block from my office? They know my order as soon as I call. I take this as a good thing. ;)
Questions from Mandy:1. What's the most interesting thing you have ever done?Hmmm, let's see. My 3 best friends from college and I decided to go on a cruise the day after we graduated. We literally hopped on a plane at 4am the next day. We went to Grand Cayman, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel and New Orleans. It was so amazing.
2. How much time every day do you spend on the internet? (be honest people!) :)Well my work relies heavily on the internet... so? A lot.
3. What are some of your favorite blogs?This is such a hard question because I have a lot that I visit frequently. Check out some of them
4. If you had to eat at the same restaurant every day for a month, where would you choose?I'm taking this question totally seriously... I'd love to pick my favorite restaurant in the whole world, but I don't think I could eat there everyday. So I choose The Cheesecake Factory. Not my favorite place, but with a 19 page menu, you at least have a lot of variety! And if not? There's always CHEESECAKE!
5. Who do you really look up to and admire?My parents. 100% and for so many different reasons.
6. If you could live anywhere in the world besides your current location, where would that be?If I could talk my entire family into moving {because to me, home is where they are} then I would move to either Southern California or North Carolina. Some place that has nice weather and doesn't snow a ton {if at all.}
7. How do you feel about reality shows?Some are really stupid, but some are great. I'm a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan and I also watch Real Housewives of Beverely Hills. So I don't watch many, but I do love the ones I watch. They're my total guilty pleasure.
8. How would you describe your style?Non-existent. I feel like I really don't have any style. I see things I like and I buy them.
9. Where do you see yourself & your family in 10 years?In a newer house, 3 kids, Bob and myself. Straight up chillin. Maybe teaching, maybe not. Bob will likely still be in his same job {which he loves} since we both work at the same university and our kids can go here for free. One of us is here for life... it's our 529 plan. ;)
10. Favorite dessert?Chocolate cake or Snickers cheesecake. Oh, or strawberry shortcake. Three-way tie?
11. What is your most valued possession? (kids don't count)My marriage. I really don't know how/why Bob puts up with my shit, but boy do I love him. I don't know where I'd be without him.
My questions for others:1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. How many kids do you want?
3. What one thing reminds you most of "home"? It is a smell, an item, a location? {People don't count!}
4. Who's your celebrity crush?
5. Why did you start blogging and are your reasons the same now?
6. If money was no factor and you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
7. If you inherited a million dollars, what's the very first thing you'd buy?
8. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
9. If you delivered boy/girl twins tomorrow, what would you name them?
10. What's your favorite baby gear item?
11. What's your favorite picture of all-time? {Yes, just ONE!}
I tag:
Torie &
Katie {and anyone else who wants to participate!!}
Yeah, so this post took me entirely too long to write. Apparently it's hard to think of random things about yourself. {Or ones that I haven't
discussed already.}